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Tuesday, 30 April 2013

How to access SDM tool in sap?

This article answers the following queries:

§      How to access SDM tool in sap?
§      How to invoke SDM remote GUI client tool in SAP?
§      Explain the steps you follow to deploy software using SDM tool in sap ?
§      How to change SDM password?
§      What is the default port used by SDM?
§      What are SDUs in SAP?
§      Is it possible to undeploy java components from SDM?
§      How to undeploy java components from SDM?
§      Is it possible to undeploy a component that is dependent on other 
     components in java of SAP?
§      How to undeploy a component that is dependent on other components in 
§      At which location SDM log s are written?
§      Name different logs files related to SDM and their content in SAP


Software Deployment Manager(SDM) is the standard tool to install or deploy java components on the AS java of sap.

SDM will be present in the Java Central Instance server. To access the same you have to navigate to the following path at Os level and run if it is in Unix Os) or RemoteGui.bat file (if it is windows Os)

In windows :

<Drive>:\usr\sap\<SID>\JC<inst no>\SDM\program

Eg: Navigate to  D:\usr\sap\RJ1\JC00\SDM\program and run RemoteGui.bat file

In Unix :

/usr/sap/<SID>/JC<inst no>/SDM/program

Eg: Navigate to /usr/sap/<SID>/JC00/SDM/program and run file

I f you perform any of the above steps based on your operating system, SDM GUI will open as shown below:

                          Figure 1:

Click on Connect button (highlighted in above picture). Then System prompts you to provide SDM password to connect to the tool as shown below.

Figure 2:

As shown in the above figure, please note SDM connects to port 18.
i.e  If instance number is 00, then the SDM port will be 50018.

Please provide SDM password and click on Login button to connect to SDM tool. Once you are successfully connected, a screen similar to below will appear.

 Figure 3:

Please note that there are 4 following tabs here

  • SDM Repository
  • Deployment
  • Undeployment
  • Log Viewer
and each one of them have significance as described below.

i)              SDM Repository: This stores information about the registered SDAs (Software Deployment Archives) and SCAs (Software Component Archives).
SDAs and SCAs are called as SDUs (Software Deployment Units)

When deploying SDUs, the Software Deployment Manager stores the data in the SDM repository, where it then manages the installed archives.

On the SDM repository tab, we can

§      Browse the deployed components by target systems
§      Browse all deployed components (i.e. list of SDAs and SCAs)
§      Manage the public substitution variables
§      View the SDM repository information
§      Change the SDM password

In the above screenshot, if you select the icon highlighted in red color, you will be able to display public substitution variables and maintain them.

Please refer below screenshot for reference:

You can add or remove substitution variables by clicking on plus and minus icons present in the below screen.

Figure 4:

By clicking on the icon highlighted in blue colour in the figure3, we can display SDM repository related configuration information as shown below.

Figure 5:

How to change SDM password?

Please refer below screenshot. By clicking on the highlighted icon in SDM repository tab, we can change the SDM password

Figure 6

ii)              Deployment:  We use the deployment tab in SDM for actually deploying new Software Deployment Units (SDUs). The SDM takes you through selecting the components and actually deploying software in the target directory.

Under deployment tab, you can view screen as shown below:

Figure 7

iii)  Undeployment: It is possible to undeploy java components that are deployed earlier. Use the Undeployment tab to do the same. Select all the components that were deployed earlier and no longer needed and click on “Start Undeployment” tab to undeploy the same. A screen similar to below will be available to you.

Figure 8:

SDM automatically checks for dependencies while undeploying any component. If you are undeploying any component, please make sure you undeploy all other dependant components beforehand.

iv)              Log viewer: This tab page will be used to view SDM work related log. Once you select this tab, you can view screen similar to below one which displays all the logs related to SDM tool.

We can locate this SDM log at Operating system level also at following path:

              Figure 9:

 If you wish, you can also check other logs related to SDM by clicking on highlighted “Choose other logs” icon in the above figure. This will result in following screen, where you can select the desired log file to view the content.


Figure 10:

Please find below table which provides the log file names and their content

Monday, 29 April 2013

SDM Modes and start/stop process

This article answers following queries :

§      What is full form of SDM?
§      Which tool is responsible for deploying software in AS java of SAP?
§      What is meant by software deployment?
§      How to remove the link between SDM and Java control framework in sap?
§      What are the different modes of SDM?
§      How to change mode of SDM?
§      How to start or stop SDM independent of the java engine?


SDM stands for Software Deployment Manager.

SDM tool is responsible for deploying software in AS Java of SAP.

SDM is used by a large number of tools like JSPM, NWDI etc in the AS Java environment for deploying software. Also, SDM is the tool used to deploy special software packages that are received from SAP and other providers.
Software Deployment is the last step in the delivery process of software. That is the transfer of supplied software packages (SDAs, SCAs or other j2ee archives) into the runtime environment of the SAP system.

How to start or stop SDM independent of the java engine?

Usually SDM starts/stops with Java engine. However, it is also possible to start or stop SDM independent of the java engine. Please find below process to do the same.

i)              Open command prompt and navigate to the usr/sap/<SID>/<Instance_name>/SDM/program directory of your J2EE engine

ii)            Execute stopserver.bat file in windows to stop SDM. Incase if Os is UNIX related, execute file. This stops SDM. To verify, whether SDM is stopped or not, it can be checked in MMC or SAP Management Console or JCMon or JSMon

iii)           Execute startserver.bat file in windows to start SDM. Incase if Os is UNIX related, execute file. This starts SDM. To verify, whether SDM is started or not, it can be checked in MMC or SAP Management Console or JCMon or JSMon

Modes of SDM:

There are 2 modes in SDM. They are


These modes determine whether SDM will have link to Java control framework or not.
In standalone mode, SDM will not have link to Java control framework. Please note that in standalone mode, SDM will no longer start or stop automatically with J2EE engine.
In Integrated mode, SDM does have a link to the Java control framework.

Changing SDM Modes:

i)              Open command prompt and navigate to the usr/sap/<SID>/<Instance_name>/SDM/program directory of your J2EE engine.

ii)            Execute stopserver.bat file in windows to stop SDM. Incase if Os is Unix related, execute file

iii)           To remove the link between SDM and the java control framework, execute the following command in the command line in respective operating systems.
sdm jstartup “mode=standalone”         à        (In windows Os) jstartup mode=standalone        à          ( In Unix os)

iv)           To integrate the SDM in the java control framework, execute the following command in the command line in respective operating systems.
sdm jstartup “mode=integrated”             à   (In windows os) jstartup mode=integrated            à   (In Unix os)

v)             Execute startsterver.bat file in windows to start SDM. Incase, if Os is Unix related, execute file


Saturday, 27 April 2013

Explain different usage types in SAP Netweaver

    This article answers following queries:
  • Explain the term usage typ
  • What are the different usage types in SAP Netweaver?
  • Explain different usage types in SAP Netweaver

Usage types are

i)              Structuring elements for SAP software on a technical level
ii)            Determine the intended purpose of a system
iii)           Are realized by installing and configuring a collection of software 
iv)           May required other usage types to operate

List of usage types & their explanation in SAP Netweaver

   Application Server ABAP (AS ABAP)

This usage type provides the ABAP foundation of SAP Netweaver.  Search Engine Service (SES), which enables users to search for business objects using Search and Classification (TREX) is part of AS ABAP usage type.

   Application Server Java (AS Java)

This usage type provides the Java foundation of SAP Netweaver. It consists of
i)              J2EE 1.3 Compliant application server (for running enterprise applications)
ii)            SAP Composite Application Framework(for building and deploying composite applications)
iii)           User interface technology WebDynpro (for developing professional business applications for mobiles as well as for desktop clients)
iv)           Adobe Document Services (to provide a range of form and document creation and manipulation functions)

   Enterprise Portal Core (EPC)

This usage type provides flexibility to setup core portal components while  implementing a portal where full capabilities of portal (like knowledge management , collaboration etc) are not needed.

   Enterprise Portal (EP)

Usage type EP provides all the portal capabilities except that are present in EPC usage type. So, inorder to install an enterprise portal with full capabilities it is required to install both EPC and EP.

Usage type EPC is therefore a prerequisite for EP

   Business Intelligence (BI)

Usage type BI provides the infrastructure for SAP Netweaver scenarios like

i)              Enterprise Data Warehousing
ii)            Enterprise Reporting
iii)           Query and Analysis
iv)           Business Planning and Analytical Services

   Business Intelligence Java Components (BI Java)

Usage type BI Java is used to provide Java runtime for IT scenarios such as

i)              Enterprise Reporting
ii)            Query and Analysis
iii)           Business Planning and Analytical Services
iv)           Enables variants such as Information broadcasting and adhoc query & 
v)             Enables webdynpro based BI applications
vi)           Enables third party data access via Universal Data Integration

   Development Infrastructure (DI)

Usage type DI is used to provide environment for all
i)              Java based development
ii)            Java based Software Life Cycle Management

   Mobile Infrastructure (MI)

Usage type MI is used to provide infrastructure to

i)              Run applications on mobile devices
ii)            Enable field personnel to participate in a business process in an 
         occasionally connected mode

   Process Integration (PI)

Usage type PI
i)               consists of all core components that model, design, automate and integrate processes  in one or more application systems
ii)            Integrates internal and cross company processes
iii)           Formerly termed as Exchange Infrastructure (XI)

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