
Tuesday 21 July 2020

Definitions of IT service, service provider and supplier

This article answers following queries:

ü  What is an IT Service?

ü  Who is a Service Provider?

ü  Who is supplier?

An IT service is a means of delivering value to a customer by facilitating outcomes customer wants without the ownership of specific costs and risks.

A Service is

§  End to End

§  As perceived by customers and users

§  Service provider owns the costs and risks

Email, Internet Banking, Internet access, Payroll system are some of the good examples of service

A Service is NOT

§  Technology

§  Product

§  Infrastructure Component

Technology components/Operating systems like Linux / Windows servers, Databases like Oracle/Sybase/MySQL, Wide Area Network are NOT considered as services.

A Service Provider is an Organization supplying services to one or more internal or external customers.

A Supplier is a third party responsible for supplying goods or services that are required to deliver IT services. In most cases, Service providers require suppliers to enable them to deliver services.


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