
Tuesday 11 February 2014

What are the functions of SAPOSCOL ?

This article answers following queries :

  • What is SAPOSCOL ?
  • What are the functions of SAPOSCOL ?

SAPOSCOL is an operating system collector. It is a standalone program that runs in operating system background.

SAPOSCOL collects data about operating system resources like

  • CPU Utilization
  • Usage of Physical Memory
  • Usage of Virtual Memory
  • Usage of filesytems
  • Usage of Physical disks
  • Usage of running processes

SAPOSCOL runs exactly once per host and runs independently of the sap system.

By default, SAPOSCOL collects data every 10seconds and records it. It also records the hourly average statistics for the last 24hours in shared memory. This data will be fetched by background job “SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFORMANCE” and writes it to the MONI performance database table.


  1. please provide enterprise portal information

  2. Your Blog was Excellent --- Usha Rani

  3. Your information is really useful and interesting..Thanks for sharing this great article --- Christiana Jeni

  4. Hello Durga Sir,

    Please distinguish SLD concept in details with example and screen shots and the differnce b/w local SLD and central SLD and SLD bridge as well.I am confused with these concept and what is the exact use of SLD in Solution manager, PI/XI and all.Please do the needfull.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. This is really good stuff .. Thanks!

  7. A Brilliant post with valuable information.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Great post sir, i got i clear picture...Thanks...

  10. This Article is Really useful and interesting,thanking you for Sharing this Article.

  11. Good Post, Very Valuable Information Shared with Us.Keep Sharing This Kind Of Articles.

  12. how many saposcol will run on a physical server where I install EXSi virtualization OS & there I install three windows server OS & then I install SAP Application server on the three server OS? Please help me with it.

  13. Thank you for sharing this document ...


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