
Wednesday 14 September 2011

LiveCache Monitoring

This article answers following queries:

  • What are the monitoring checks for live Cache in SCM or APO System?
  • How to check “Activity Overview” in Live cache system?
  • How to check OMS locks in live cache system?
  • How to check SQL locks in live cache system?
  • How to check exclusive waits in live cache SAP system?
  • How to check database manager messages in live cache system?
  • How to check the parameters in live cache system?
  • How to check parameter history in live cache system?
  • What are the different memory areas in live cache system?
  • How to check Caches, Heap usage, data area and Log area in Live cache of APO   or SCM system?
This article explains you how to monitor/view  various paramaters, parmeter history, OMS locks, SQL locks,  cache usage, exclusive waits, database messages, various configuration related to memory. This knowledge will be very much useful to troubleshoot and fix the problem  in case you encounter any  performance issues in Livecache system.
Please login into livecache system using LC10 transaction and providing LCA in the name of database connection as below. Click on Pushbutton “Livecache Monitoring” to proceed further.

System redirects to the following screen.  As shown, in the screen, please click on “ Activity Overview” item  to view details/statistics  related to

  • SQL Statements
  • I/O Activity
  • Lock Activity
  • Logging Activity
  • Scan and Sort Activity

To view OMS locks (or logical object locks) , navigate to LCA->  Problem Analysis ->  OMS locks -> Overview  as shown in the  below screen.

To view exclusive waits, navigate to LCA -> Problem Analysis -> SQL Locks -> Waits as shown in the below screen

To view existing SQL Locks and SQL lock requests, navigate to LCA -> Problem Analysis -> SQL Locks -> Overview as shown in the below screen

To check database manager messages, navigate to LCA -> Problem Analysis -> Messages -> Database Manager as shown in the below screen.

To view the defined parameters and their values in the live cache system, navigate to LCA -> Administration -> Configuration -> Parameters  as shown in the below screen

To view the history of the parameters that are changed date wise, navigate to to LCA -> Administration -> Configuration ->Parameter History as shown in the below screen

To view the Cache related information, navigate to LCA -> Current Status -> Memory Areas -> Caches as shown in the below screen.

To view the OMS Heap  related information, navigate to LCA -> Current Status -> Memory Areas -> Heap Usage  as shown in the below screen.

To view the “ Data area”  related information, navigate to LCA -> Current Status -> Memory Areas -> Data Area  as shown in the below screen.

To view the “ Log Area ”  related information, navigate to LCA -> Current Status -> Memory Areas -> Log  Area  as shown in the below screen.

Related Link :

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