
Monday 12 September 2011

How to start or stop live cache in SCM or APO SAP systems?

This article answers following queries:

  • How to start or stop live cache in SCM or APO SAP systems?
  • What is the transaction used to administer livecache in SCM or APO systems?
  • How to monitor livecache in SCM or APO systems?
  • How to check operational state of livecache in SCM systems?
  • How to check when was the last date on which live cache started in SCM system?
  • How to check live cache related alerts in SCM systems?
  • What is the database on which livecache runs on SCM systems?
  • What is the start/stop sequence of livecache?
  • How to check the live cache version?


STOP sequence of livecache in SCM or APO system:
Sometimes to perform any maintenance it is required for basis administrator to shut down the SAP system. If an SAP system consists of livecache then it is required to know the sequence in which system to be bought down to avoid issues

Shutdown sequence:

  • First of all shutdown livecache (Process explained below)
  • Shut down ABAP system (as per the standard process of shutting down any SAP system)
  • Shut down Database system ( as per the standard process)

START sequence of livecache in SCM or APO System:
Start sequence of livecache system is exactly reverse order of shutting down process.

Start sequence:

  • Start Database of the SAP SCM system (As per standard process)
  • Start the ABAP stack (As per standard process)
  • Start the live cache (process explained below)

How to Check the live cache Operational State :
Login to SAP system and goto transaction LC10.
Systems displays screen similar to below. Please select name of database connection as LCA and click on "Livecache: Monitoring" tab to proceed further. 

After this, you will be redirected to the below screen. Here you can check the operational state of the live cache. It is green currently. It means live cache is up and running.

 From the below screen, we can determine

  • live cache version
  • live cache operational state
  • Database server version
  • Operating system
  • What was the date/time at which livecache started in this system
  • When was the last livecache start/stop activity done
  • Automatic log backup is on or off
  • Database Trace/Command monitor/Resource monitor on/off status
  • Different directories/files belonging to livecache

Note : By clicking on the Alert monitor link (as shown in above screen), we can check various alerts that are belonging to livecache.

Once you click Alert monitor, it opens another screen as below. From here you can click on "open alerts" pushbutton to view all the alerts related to livecache. In addition to that, we can drill down on various parameters in the below screen and we can identify problematic areas.

If there is an issue in any area, that will be highlighted in red as shown in screen below

How to Stop LiveCache:

To stop the livecache, In this screen, navigate to Administration -> Operating and click on "Stop livecache" pushbutton  (as shown in the below screen). 
 Once the livecache got stopped, the operational state button which is green earlier will turn to red confirming that the live cache is down.

How to Start LiveCache:

To start the live cache again, navigate to Administration -> Operating and please click "Start Livecache" pushbutton in the above screen.

Once the livecache started successfully, its operational state turns into green color indicating that livecache is up and running.

Please note that live cache runs on a MAXDB database.

Related Link :

How to start or stop live cache in SAP SCM or APO system?


  1. Dear Druga,

    Keep It up..
    Its helping a Lot..

    M D

  2. Well documented information. Thanks for sharing..

  3. Hi
    I am facing issue with livecache.
    My live cache is started.
    But when i used LC10 a am facing issue.
    It displayes erroe "cannot open SQL connection to livecache LCA"
    Please can i have a suggestion to solve the issue.
    Thanks in advance


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