
Tuesday 21 June 2011

How to check database, tablespace sizes in SAP ?

This article answers the following queries :
  • How to check the database size ?
  • How to check in SAP, the number of tables and indexes in database and their sizes ?
  • How to check  the users that are present in database at SAP level ?
  • How to check various tablespaces in SAP and their sizes ?


How to check the database size ?

Goto transaction DB02  and navigate to Space -> Space overview to view

  • Database name
  • Database system
  • Size
  • Free size
  • Used percentage
  • Number of database users
  • Number of tablespaces
  • Number of tables and size
  • Number of indexes and size

In DB02, navigate to Space -> Space overview to find all the above mentioned details

    How to check  the users that are present in database at SAP level ?

    In DB02, navigate to Space -> Users -> Overview as below

              How to check various tablespaces in SAP and their sizes ?

              In DB02, navigate to Space -> Table spaces -> Overview to view tablespaces details as below.


                    1. many thanks to you if you take screen shot of increasing table space at os level

                    2. i want know what was the size of the tablespace yesterday..
                      on a particular date and time

                      plzz reply

                    3. i want to know the size of the tablespace for yesterday for particular date and time.

                    4. appreciate u r philanthropic

                    5. Dear Prasad, i'm not been able to see any data in db02. do i need to run any programs

                      1. No Need to run any. it my be due to error. check SAPOSCAL service is running proper.

                    6. Yes, it's DB02 with all the details.

                      Kumar Mitra from Germany

                    7. how to check yesterday tablesize for reporting purpose

                    8. Hi team how do I pull sort codes ftom SAP Finance?

                    9. Dear Prasad Sir, can you explain me what is mean By PSAPSR3, PSAPSR3USR and what is different between them?

                    10. PSAPSR3, PSAPSR3USR these are tablespaces.

                    11. How to set daily backup in DB2 Database in SAP JAVA stack?


                    Please provide your valuable feedback: