
Friday 30 August 2019

How to resolve “Spool full” or “Spool overflow” errors or dumps in SAP?

This article answers following queries:

  • How to resolve “Spool full” or “Spool overflow” errors or dumps in SAP?
  • How to fix “SPOOL_INTERNAL_ERROR” short dump in SAP?
  • What was the reason for long response times while creating new spool requests?
  • What was the reason for process hang while executing SELECT statements on TSP01 table?

In an SAP system, the number of spool requests that can be created is set to 32000 by default.Once this limit is reached, system won’t be able to generate new spool requests and generates the issues that were described. 

To overcome these issues, it is recommended to increase the spool number limit to 999999.

To set this, please follow below steps:

1) Please login to client 000 of the respective SAP system where you are encountering issues
    2) Please execute SNRO transaction. In the resulting screen, select object as SPO_NUM” as shown in  below screenshot

3)  Now, click on “Interval Editing” which results in below screen.

      4) Please click on above highlighted Intervals button to set spool number

Please set desired number in column “To Number” and save the changes.

It is recommended that, maximum value that can be set is 999999 and this task should be performed in client 000.

The size of this interval specifies, maximum number of spools that can exist in SAP system. It is recommended to execute RSPO0041 or RSPO1041 reports on a periodic basis to delete old spool requests that are not required.

1 comment:

  1. Very useful information. It has solved my problem. Thanks!


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