
Monday 5 September 2016

SAP Innovation - Quick answers to support questions with Expert Chat

Glad to inform you that, as part of SAP’s commitment to improve support experience, innovated and came up with “Expert Chat” functionality to support its customers by quickly answering support questions through expert chat.

The Expert chat program is built right into the incident form, which we use for creating OSS message to SAP.

To get started, just begin the process of incident submission by filling all relevant details like Product, Installation and System details (as shown below):

After providing above details, system prompts to enter few more details like priority, subject and details of the incident and component to which your issue belongs to (as shown below)

If a support engineer is available for the selected “component”, a green “Start Chat” button will be visible next to “Submit” button in the incident screen (as shown below)

If “Start Chat” button is clicked, a separate screen pops up (as shown below) and you will wait in queue

Once your turn comes, you will get opportunity to interact with SAP support expert who will understand query and provide answers right away. The information entered in the incident field will be transferred to support engineer to help in resolving issue

If unable to answer query immediately, the support representative will create an incident for you containing chat transcript and take it further to provide resolution. Therefore, no duplication of effort for the customer. The chat transcript will always be captured and recorded in your incident log for your convenience.

Please note, in case you don’t see “Start Chat” button in your incident form, either there is no support person available at that time for selected component or Expert Chat has not yet rolled out for selected component.

This “Expert Chat” functionality can be used to get assistance for any technical problem that can’t be answered by an SAP note or Knowledge Base Article (KBA).
If you wish to speed up or escalate request via chat, the best way is to contact the Customer Interaction Center (CIC). SAP recommends to start ONLY one chat session per problem that you have.

Please take advantage of this new Expert Chat functionality. 


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