
Sunday 5 July 2015

How to create “transport of copies” related transport request in SAP?

This article answers following queries:

How to take backup of Printer settings, processing groups, logon groups, logical systems, operation mode settings, RFCs, AL11(sap directories), SE03 (transport organizer tools), SM69, oaco(archive related) settings?

How to create “transport of copies” related transport request in SAP?

What is the use of “transport of copies” related transport request in SAP?

Which transaction is used to create transport request in SAP?


SE01 transaction is used to create transport request in SAP.

As part of pre-refresh steps, we need to take backup of target system’s

  • Printer settings (SPAD)
  • Processing groups (RZ12)
  • Logon groups(SMLG)
  • Logical systems (BD54)
  • Operation mode settings(RZ03/RZ04)
  • RFCs related information(SM59)
  • AL11(sap directories)
  • SE03 (transport organizer tool settings)
  • Batch processing relation information (SM61)
  • Customer entries information (SM69)
  • Archive related settings (OAC0)

If we have backed them up in a transport request, it is easy for us to import them later in the target system. If we haven’t backed them up, we may have to manually create all these entries which will be a tedious and time consuming task. So, we have to backup all these entries.

In the backend, all the above configurations will be stored in specific tables. If we can identify and include those tables in a transport request and export, then we can import it back whenever these settings are required during post refresh.

 We need to create a transport request of type “Transport of Copies” to serve this purpose

To create the same, Go to SAP transaction SE01 à Create Request à select Transport of Copies

Click on Green Check Mark in the above screen.

This will prompt you to create a transport request as seen below

Please provide Short Description for the transport request (in the above screen) and input the appropriate client in Target. Other fields will get populated automatically.

This will create a transport request as shown below.  

Double Click the transport number and add the tables information (highlighted in yellow in the below paragraph) in the respective columns of the transport request. After that, these configurations can be imported in post refresh stage.

          AL11  – User Directory Entries are contained in the following tables

          R3TR TABU USER_DIR                    Keys   *

          SE03 – System Change Options are contained in the following tables

          R3TR TABU TRNSPACEL     Keys   *
          R3TR TABU DLV_SYSTC      Keys  *

          SMLG/RZ12 – Logon Groups and Processing Groups are contained in the   
          following table.

          R3TR TABU RZLLITAB         Keys   *

         SM59 Connections – RFC connections are contained in the following tables

          R3TR TABU RFCATTRIB      Keys  *
          R3TR TABU RFCDES           Keys  *
          R3TR TABU RFCDOC          Keys  *

          SALE – Logical Systems are contained in the following tables

          R3TR TABU TBDLS          Keys   *
          R3TR TABU TBDLST        Keys    *

          SM69 – Export Customer Entries contained in the following table

          R3TR TABU SXPGCOSTAB  Keys   Y* & Z*

          Oca0 – Archive Settings

          R3TR TABU CREP_HTTP     Keys   *

          SPAD – Printer Settings

          R3TR TABU TSPSV               Keys   *

          SM61 – Batch Processing    

          R3TR TABU TSRVGRP          Keys   *
          R3TR TABU TSRVLST           Keys   *

          RZ03/RZ04 – Operation Modes  & RZ20 settings

          R3TR TABU TPFBA               Keys   *
          R3TR TABU TPFHT               Keys   *
          R3TR TABU TPFID               Keys   *

Include all the above tables details in the transport request and save.   

NOTE:  Please make sure to release this transport before the refresh starts.  Otherwise the cofile and datafile will not generated and you will not be able to import this transport later. If we can’t import request, then we may have to create/maintain all these configurations manually which will be tedious and complex task.


  1. Hello Sir,

    You asked us to release the transport request so that it comes in the import queue for us to import later. Could you please tell me how to release a request I just created and saved?



    1. Hi Aveek,

      Answer for above question is posted in the forum. please check

  2. Hello Sir,
    All these entries will be backed up in TOC, which will be released later, during the Post refresh steps, the same can be done using the a Workbench request right ??

    Can you please explain us it make any difference if we use a workbench request ??


    1. Hello,

      In general scenarios, the transport happens like below:

      Let's say I have three system landscape for my ECC system: DA1 -> QA1 -> PA1.
      If you create a workbench request in DA1 system and release it, it goes to import buffer of QA1. Once imported in QA1, transport is now available in the import buffer of PA1 for import in PA1. But, if you create a Transport of Copy for the same transport in DA1 and release it, it will be in import queue of QA1. However, when you import this transport to QA1 it does not go to the import buffer of PA1. It means that it dies after importing into the target system that you mention while creating the ToC.

      Such a small difference..

      Govinda Joshi

  3. Hello,

    I wanted to know, how can we say that xyz tables are related to a transaction? is there a simply way to find SXPGCOSTAB is related with transaction sm59?

    Thank you.

  4. Hi,

    Could you please let me know how to see what table is related to what transaction. That will be really helpful

    Thank you.

  5. How to export WE20 and WE21?

  6. how can we add the confurations in a transport. I am not able to .

  7. Not able to add the Tables in the TR by double clicking. Could you please add a screenshot for the same.

  8. Hi Govinda Joshi Sir,

    Thanks a lot for explaining this concept.



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