
Monday 22 June 2015

How to lock or unlock transaction code (tcode) in SAP system?

This article answers following queries:

  • How to lock transaction code (tcode) in SAP system?
  • How to unlock transaction code (tcode) in SAP system?
  • How to view list of tcodes that are locked in SAP system?
  • Which tcode is used to lock or unlock tcodes in SAP system?
  • How to identify whether a tcode is locked or not in SAP system?
  • While trying to execute a tcode in SAP system, it says “Transaction is locked”. What’s the reason?
  • What is the report to identify locked transactions in SAP system?


Sometimes, there might be a business requirement to lock a particular transaction in SAP system (for a particular period) so that no one is allowed to execute those transactions

For eg: Lock SE38 so that users are not allowed to execute reports
           Lock STMS_IMPORT so that users are not allowed to import transport requests etc.

Which tcode is used to lock or unlock tcodes in SAP system?

SM01 tcode is used for locking transactions or tcodes.

Locking Procedure:

Login to SAP system and go to transaction SM01. It will result in screen as shown below:

For example, I am demonstrating process to lock tcode SM02.

Type the tcode you would like to lock in the above screen and press search icon which displays that particular transaction.

If you would like to lock that tcode, tick that checkbox next to that transaction and click on save button to reflect the change.

After that, if locked tcode is executed by any user, it won’t get executed. It will display a message mentioning “Transaction SM02 is locked” (as shown below).

Unlock Procedure:

In case, you would like to unlock this transaction, go to SM01, select the tcode, and untick the checkbox and press save button.

It unlocks the transaction and everyone would be able to execute that transaction.


  • In some versions of SAP systems, lock/unlock toggle button will be there to lock or unlock transactions( as shown below). So, instead of simply clicking Save button, you may have to click "lock/unlock" button. 

Please note the difference and act accordingly
  • If you lock / unlock a tcode in a particular client, it is applicable for all the clients of that SAP system. It means, if you locked a tcode in 100 client of an SAP system, this tcode will get locked in all other clients of that SAP system. So, this is system wide change and not client specific

How can we find if a tcode is locked or not?

In SM01 transaction, if you find tick mark enabled for a tcode, it means that specific transaction is locked.


If you try to execute that tcode “Transaction xxxx is locked” message will be displayed

How to view list of tcodes that are locked in SAP system?

If you would like to view all transactions or tcodes that were locked in that SAP system, you can find out by navigating to SM01 à Transaction Code à Press F6 or select Display Locked Transactions (as shown below)

Once it is selected, it displays list of locked transactions as shown below:

RSAUDITC report can be executed through SE38 or SA38 to find out list of locked transactions in SAP


  1. Hi Durga Sir,

    I am using ECC 6.0 version and when i navigate to Transaction Code in sm01, I don't get an option "Display Locked Transactions". I just get Lock/Unlock and Exit.

    Is there any other way to know all the locked T-Codes?



    1. Hi Aveek,

      In SM01 transaction, if you find tick mark enabled for a tcode, it means that specific transaction is locked.

    2. I get that. But i didn't ask how to know whether a transaction is locked or not. I was asking how to list all the locked transactions as "Display Locked Transactions" option is not available in my version.

      I found a soln. though. Please let me know if this is correct.

      I run RAUDITC in se38 and then select 'locked' transactions and execute. It lists all the locked txn.



  2. Thanks for the clarification Aveek. Yes, we can obtain locked transactions list through a report also. However the report is not RAUDITC. I believe, this is typo error. The correct report name is RSAUDITC. I will try to include this information also in the article itself. Thanks for raising this.

    1. Yes yes. It was a typo error. Thanks for confirming :)


  3. sir,

    Please provide documents on change management and patching

  4. Hi,
    Please let me know if there is any way we can find out who has locked a transaction code previously.
    Sachin Deo.

  5. how we can lock and unlock transactions for specific user?

  6. Hello,

    After executing SM01 Tcode, getting popup saying that Transaction SM01 is Obsolete.
    What does it mean?

    1. Try to read the SAP NOTE 2234194


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