
Saturday 13 June 2015

How to launch Software Update Manager or SUM tool?

This article answers following queries:

  • How to start or run Software Update Manager GUI?
  • How to launch Software Update Manager or SUM tool?
  • How to extract or unpack Software Update Manager?
  • Which port will be used by SUM tool or Software Upgrade Manager?

Prerequisites to start Software Updated Manager:

i)        Downloading Software update Manager package (example: filename.SAR) from Software download center
ii)      SAP system and the database are started
iii)  On the host, where Software Update Manager GUI to be started atleast Java 6 to be installed

Procedure to extract:

Logon to the host on which primary application server is running with <SAPSID>adm user.

Unpack the Software Update Manager package ( filename.SAR) using following command :

SAPCAR –xvf <download directory>\<path>\filename.SAR –R <DRIVE>:\usr\sap\SID

This command will create a folder named SUM under \usr\sap\SID

Startup Procedure:

We can start Software Update manager as below :

In Windows: By executing STARTUP.BAT which is under \usr\sap\SID\SUM\SUM directory

In UNIX: By executing ./STARTUP script which is under \usr\sap\SID\SUM\SUM path

After executing this, several necessary services (Webstart service, Alert service, Notes service, Fileservice, Mail service, Role service etc) will start and HTTP service will be started on 4239 port.

Now, you can call GUI by entering a URL  http://<hostname>:4239 in a browser

Please note in the above URL, hostname should be the host on which the Software Update manager is running. 4239 is the port used by SUM tool.

In the dialog box that appears, choose Run.

The Software Upadate Manager GUI will start and it will prompt to create password for Administrator. Provide the same and click OK to proceed further.

This will result in following screen :

This is the process to be followed to launch Software Update Manager.

Related Links :

Important differences between SUM tool and SPAM/SAINT

Benefits of Software Update Manager

1 comment:

  1. Hi DurgaPrasad,

    Can you please post clearly on the stages of SUM tool(what happens at background) also.


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