
Friday 3 August 2012

How to open Oss connection to SAP system?

This article answers the following queries:

  • What is the need to open remote service or OSS connection to an SAP system?
  • How to open Oss connection to SAP system?
  • How to check SAP router status?
  • How to modify existing oss connections of an SAP system?
  • How to delete existing oss connection of an SAP system?
  • How to set up and to open a Remote Service connection to an SAP system?

In real time scenarios, there will be cases like Basis administrator or functional teams could not resolve   some issues and have raised an Oss message. In those cases, SAP would like to troubleshoot the issue by connecting to the respective SAP system. So, SAP will request you to open an Oss connection to SAP system so that they can remotely login and check. In these cases, you need to open Oss connection (as explained below) and respond to SAP in Oss message to login to system and check.

Process to open an Oss connection:

In this article, am explaining how to open an Oss connection to an SAP system VE1.
Please login to the SAP service market place and navigate to Help & Support -> Connect to SAP.  This leads you to the below screen:

In the above screen, please click on “Maintain Connections” tab which is highlighted in the above figure.
It then lists all the systems recently used and gives an option to perform system search. Please look, if the system to which you would like to open oss connection is in recently used systems list. If it is exists, please click and open the same.

Otherwise, please perform system search by providing system id and by clicking “Search systems” button. In the above example, am performing system search for VE1, as I would like to open oss connection for this system. If that system is present it displays the system. Once displayed, please click on that system which results in below screen

In this screen, please make sure SAP router status is connected (highlighted in red). Otherwise, please click on connect button (highlighted in blue) and make sure sap router is in connected status.
After that, please click on “Systemdata” button (highlighted in green) which results in below screen.

Please click on “Maintain Access Data” button as shown in above figure.
This results in secure area screen as shown below. In this screen, if there are already oss connections opened to this system earlier, you can view those details. It displays the client, user id, password, expiration date, last changed on date and changed by user.

If you click on Modify button in the above screen, it results in the below screen.
From this screen, either we can modify existing oss connection or open new oss connection

If you would like to modify existing oss connection, select the respective line (figure highlighted with orange color) and click on “Change selected entry” and modify. You can do modification to an existing oss connection in the cases like you would like to change the password mentioned in the secure area or you would like to extend the expiration date/time of the existing oss connections.

 If you would like to delete oss connection details, select that entry and click on “Delete selected entry” tab to delete. We can delete this entry, if we feel that oss connection is no longer required.

If you would like to create a new oss connection, please provide the client, user id, password and expiration date details (as highlighted in the green color) and click save button.
Please note, user id   maintained here should exist in SAP system (in this example VE1 system) and password is the respective password of the same in the respective client.

Before maintaining credentials in secure area, please duly cross check by logging into respective SAP system and make sure they are working fine. By default oss connection will be opened for 14 days. If you wish, you can even extend the expiration date/time.

This is the process to open Oss connection for an SAP system


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hi Durga,

    Please update real time issues regarding support and implementation and database related issues.

    I.PaPa Rao

  3. Now a days sap basis is highly learning course all countries..your providing such a good information on this blog ..its..really appreciate.. Mani

  4. Hi DurgaPrasad,

    You are providing very valuable information with us firstly I Thank you for this.It helps me a lot.I would really appreciate for the background work which you did for us.
    please share " how can we run scripts on SAP "

    Durga BoseKumar

  5. Hello Durga Prasad,

    Thanks for the information that you have been providing, I have been following your blog for a while now,

    Well can you also provide step by step procedure of system copy/DB Refresh from Production system to Quality system.

    also real time performance & transport issues

    thanks in advance

  6. Hi Durga prasad garu. once again thanks for your blog. can you also please post about db refresh, system copy client export and import.. which would be a great help.....

    Thanks in Advance

  7. Hi Durga prasad garu, thanks for posting valuble information in step by step.

  8. many many thanks. it helped me alot

  9. Hello Durga Prasad,

    If we want to open the OSS connection to a team of Users who needs to access our SAP system through OSS for limited time then what changes are required.

  10. Can we automate the process to open oss connection for an SAP system ?

  11. your blog information is marvellous sir thanks a lot nice

  12. dear durgaprasad please update blog with new information

  13. Very nice..............Thanks a alot

  14. Thanks a lot for your SAP BASIS blog

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. HI DUGRA,


  17. for example if i have user name basis and pass basis123 in SAP ecc system,
    is i have to give the same user name and password in oss connection?

  18. if i am wrong, please correct me. Launchpad is new version of OSS? Please explain me.


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