
Tuesday 17 April 2012

How to check table size in SAP?

This article answers the following queries

  • How to check table size in SAP?
  • How to check view size in SAP?
  • How to find out number of rows in a table in SAP?
  • How to view indexes on a table in SAP?
  • How to view index statistics of a table in SAP?
  • How to find out on what columns indexes are built on a SAP table?
  • How to find out on which date index statistics are last run for a SAP table?

Please login to SAP system and goto transaction DB02 or DBACOCKPIT

Please navigate to Space -> Single Table  Analysis, It results in the screen similar to below screen

Please provide the Table/View name for which you would like to determine the size.
In this example, am checking the size of a table RSBERRORLOG. Please provide the table name and press enter which results in below screen

As visible in the above screenshot, from the overview tab, we can view following details:
Reserved size(KB) -  Total size of the table allocated in KB
Data size (KB) – Current data size of the table in KB
Index  size (KB) – Current size of the indexes of the table in KB
Unused size (KB) – Amount of space unused in the table in KB
Rows  - Number of rows present in the table

Please  click on indexes tab of the above screen, to view a screen similar to below screen

It displays Index names and the columns on which indexes are built, size of index and the last update statistics for the indexes


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