
Wednesday 24 August 2011

Manual Import process of a transport at Os level with TP program

This article answers following queries :
·         How to import a transport manually with TP program?
·         How to import a transport without using STMS in SAP?
·         How to import a transport at Os level  in SAP ?
·         How to insert a request into the import queue of an SAP R/3 system manually?
·         When performing a request import manually, what will happen if client is not mentioned?
·         Can we manually import all the requests that are present in the import queue of an SAP system? If so, how ?
·         What is the parameter file name which was similar to TP_<domain>.PFL file which was used in older SAP versions?
·         What will happen in the background if a transport request  is added to the import queue of an SAP system ?

·         What will happen if the client in which you want to import does not exist in the target system?

Sometimes, there will be situations like you have to process transport imports manually. This can be done by TP program from the operating system level.

Transport control program TP is controlled by a parameter file TP_<domain>.PFL which is present under bin subdirectory of the transport directory.
Please note in older releases of SAP R/3, the file is termed as TPPARAM.
Before using TP for the first time, it is suggested to test the connection to the desired target system.
To perform this test, following command can be used.
tp  connect   <target system>  pf=<complete path of the parameter file>
If this test results are fine you can proceed further otherwise you need to troubleshoot the same and identify the reason for the same.

In order to insert a request into the import queue of an SAP R/3 system, use the following command:
tp  addtobuffer   <request>   <target system>  pf=<complete path of the parameter file>

If the above command is successful then, datafile and cofile of the request will get copied under respective  data subdirectory and cofiles subdirectory of the transport directory.
As the request is inserted to the import queue, it can now be imported using the following command.
tp  import  <request>   <target system>  pf=<complete path of the parameter file>
In case you would like to import all the requests that are present in the import queue of an SAP system  in the current sequence then provide the following command at oslevel.
tp  import all  <target system>  pf=<complete path of the parameter file>

You can add the following to specify a specific client for import:
client = <number of the client>
If the client is not mentioned, the data is copied to the client with the same number as the client from which the data was exported.

If the client into which you would like to import a request does not exist in the target system, the import terminates with an error message.


  1. Hi Durga,

    Your blogs are really helpful for basis professionals specially for beginners. I would like your comments or advise as i am stuck at one particular issue in my landscape. What would be the best possible solution in system if swapping for program buffer is more then expected and also objects swapped are within limits.. Please send me your comments or suggestion to my mail id-

    1. Hi, your query is not clear. Request you to clarify.
      How is the hit ratio of program buffer? What is the swapping number? Which system is it ? (ECC/BIW) etc

  2. U r Such a Master and key labs is also the same

  3. sir kindly explane the system copy?

  4. hellio sir its gaurav here can u share it with screen shots please i will be realy thankfull to you ..

  5. Hi Durga , the command you mentioned rergarding adding import to buffer, should we do it in source sys or target sys. And wikk this be applicable to differnt landscape

    1. If i'm not wrong, the command for adding to buffer has to be executed in target system.
      The transport request is actually created in the source system.

  6. Hi Durga,

    Which parameter file you are referring to in the below command:
    tp connect pf=


  7. i'm fresher student and i reading your blogs for preparing interview . i can not believe i directly got L2 profile of sap basis directly. your blogs have that much knowledge.

    thank you sir


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