
Wednesday 24 August 2011

Important SAP Basis Transaction codes - 1

Hi Everyone, this article lists some of the very important SAP Basis Tcodes which are useful on day to day basis for SAP basis administration.

AL08            Global User overview
                   ( Lists all the users of all the instances of the SAP system )
AL11            Display CCMS operating system files
AL12            Buffer synchronization
DB02            Missing database objects and space requirements
DB13            Scheduling (Used for scheduling various standard jobs like                                 
                    checkdb, backups etc)
FILE             This tcode is related to archiving.This is used to map assignment                       
                     between logical and  physical names
OSS1            SAP service marketplace logon
PFCG            Used for Role maintenance
RZ01             Graphical background job scheduling monitor
RZ03             This is control panel for operation modes and server states.
                     Operation mode can be chosen using this Tcode
RZ04             Used for maintenance of operation modes and instances
RZ10             Used for profile maintenance and changing SAP parameter values
RZ20             Alert Monitor
RZ21             Alert monitor customizing
SA38             To execute an ABAP program
SALE              IMG Application Link Enabling
SCC1              Copy client via transport request
SCC3              Client copy Log
SCC4              Client Administration
SCC5              Delete Client
SCC6              Client  Import
SCC7              Client Import post processing
SCC8              Client Export
SCC9              Remote Client copy
SCCL              Local Client copy

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