
Saturday 2 July 2011

What is Dpmon tool ? How to use it ?

This article answers the following query :

  • What is dpmon tool ? How to use it ?

What is dpmon tool ?

dpmon is an auxiliary tool provided by SAP to use from operating system level. This tool provides the functionalities similar to workprocess overview of SAP (SM50 or SM66).

This tool will be of great use if by any reason, we are not able to login to SAP system through SAP GUI. We can use dpmon and login to SAP system at operating system level and we can identify the reasons for the issue and we can action accordingly.

How to open dpmon tool ?

(Am demonstrating the usage of dpmon tool based on AIX or HP-UX operating systems)

Login to Central Instance(CI) host of the SAP system using  <sidadm> userid.

After logging in goto the CI, please go to the profiles path.

You can use any of the following commands to go to the profiles directory

cd /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/profile          (or)

cd /sapmnt/<SID>/profile                   (or)


Please find below screenshot

Use the command as shown below :

dpmon pf=<profilename>

It displays “Dispatcher Queue Statistics as below”. In this screenshot we can figure out if any dispatcher waits are there

Click on l in the above screenshot to view work process overview as below :

From the above screen, we can make out if all the dialog workprocesses are full.
In that case, PID of a problematic process can be taken and that process can be killed at Oslevel by Kill -9 <PID>. After that you can login to the system as you have just killed one dialog process and it is free so that it will allow you to login to the SAP system from SAPGUI.

In addition to that, following are the commands that can be executed in dpmon tool in the above screen :

Press k  to kill workprocess (with core)

Press s to stop workprocess

Press q to quit from dpmon tool

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  1. You have given Kill -9 PID..What is PID here?

  2. Hi friend...PID is nothing but process id. Every sap process running on unix or any other operating system will have a process id. To kill that process in unix you have to use kill -9 followed by that process id to terminate that process. Hope it is clear now.

  3. hello sir,
    Let me 1st thank u for such an awesome forum...regarding above doubt suppose i want to kill dia wp listed in sequence 10 then how will i find out PID of general we use "ps" command to find out the PID...


    1. Hi Aditya...if you use dpmon command, you can list all the process that are running currently in your server. Along with each process, the pid also will be displayed. Please refer 5th screenshot in the above article.
      For example, if you want to kill workprocess number 4 and workprocess type can identify from the screen itself that pid for that process is 29419.

      Hope, i have answered your query!

  4. Hi Aditya..thanks for your nice comments. Coming to your query, in case you need to kill dia wp listed in sequence 10, you can either view pid of the same in dpmon tool or if sap system is accessible you can view in SM50 or SM66 tcodes.

    Hope, i answered your query.

  5. Killing of a dialog process is not recommended directly using kill -9 as a active session/transaction may be in progress.What are pros/cons and what situation would you use it.

    1. Yes..killing of a workprocess is not recommended using kill -9. You can use this method in emergency scenarios like

      i)if you are unable to login to sap system and you found a particular process is problematic one, then in those cases

      ii) You are able to login to sap system but unable to terminate a process from sap level using SM50/SM66

      In other cases, where you are able to login to sap system, you can use SM50/SM66 to terminate a process. You can even use MMC to terminate a process

  6. hi vamsi. . if suppose any user is consuming more memory and that will effect the other users indirectly so in that case u just have to put a mail boss your consuming more memory please do it in background in off peak hours and terminate that process . . (not sure this is what i understand correct me if am wrong)

  7. please write a brief explanation of fields on screen like NOW, HIGH etc and othersl ike WAKE EVENTS etc. Thanks

  8. hello

    We have an issue where we were able to bring the sap quality system up , but unable to login, system i sgoing to hung state. could u pls suggest

    we have done our analysis and found that dispatcher is not able to connect

    1. I am assuming that you are unable to login using SAP GUI, but you are able to login at os level.

      vi the instance profile and check/change accordingly.
      rdisp/wp_no_btc = 5
      rdisp/wp_no_dia = 5

      do the stopsap and startsap.

      once the quality system is up, try connecting via GUI.

      check the operation modes, and see the DIA & BTC workprocess are the same what you changed in the OS level by using the commands SM51/SM50.

  9. Hi Durgaprasad,

    I am getting the below error while executing the dpmon command in Linux. I have checked everything but still am not able to start the Java instance but ABAP was started. Please let me know steps to fix this issue.


    eccehp6:eh6adm 88> dpmon
    dpmon=>sapparam(1c): No Profile used.
    dpmon=>sapparam: SAPSYSTEMNAME neither in Profile nor in Commandline
    DpMonInit failed - possibly no dispatcher running
    DpMon: External/Internal dplib version: 119/137


    Thanks in advance

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Sathish,

      From the error message, I could notice that you haven't used profile along with dpmon command.

      Please follow below steps

      i)Please goto profile directory using cdpro command

      ii) Please execute following command

      dpmon pf=

      In the above line is profile name of the server.

  10. try the following


    dpmon pf=

  11. Hi Durga prasad,
    can you please explain me briefly about "Dispatcher Queue Statistics".

  12. Hi Durga sir, I have one doubt where can we see all application servers, active servers we see at sm51, inactive servees where we see


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