
Thursday 28 July 2011

Activating emergency user in java only system

This article answers the following queries:

  • How to unlock, if administrator user id got locked in a standalone java  alone system?
  • How to activate emergency user in java only system?
  • How to handle, if administrator user id got locked in dual stack system?

 What are the scenarios in which emergency user SAP*  to be activated?
In some cases, you might have configured user management incorrectly and can no longer logon to any application or all administrator users got locked. In these cases, you can activate emergency user SAP* which enables you to  logon to application.

Process to be followed to activate emergency user SAP*

Start the config tool
Set the following User Management Engine(UME)  properties

This activates SAP* user
Enter the new password for SAP* user. This option is provided by SAP to ensure more security so that system is not accessible with default password

Restart the AS Java
The SAP* user will now get activated and all others user will get deactivated. You can log on with the SAP* user and fix your configuration as per the requirement in cases of  incorrect user management configuration.
After that, go to  identity management to unlock all the locked users.
After fixing the configuration issue, SAP* user should be deactivated again as mentioned below:

  • Start the config tool
  • Set the property ume.superadmin.activated to false
  • Restart the AS Java.

 Please note all the above process to activate emergency user is for standalone java system.

How to handle,   if administrator user id got locked in dual stack system?
 In case of dual stack installation i.e. ABAP + JAVA stack it is very easy. Please proceed as mentioned below to resolve the issue:
i)   Logon to ABAP system with any administrator user or the SAP* user
ii) Either create a new administrator user for java stack or unlock the locked administrator user using SUo1


  1. hi prasad
    if administratir is locked then how can u create java side new user,and abapside without login how can use su01


    1. Hello Kumar,

      For dual stack java backend will be ABAP system.If you create a user in ABAP stack then user will reflect in the java stack. In that case in ABAP stack any user having authorization of SU01 can create user which will reflect in the java stack.


  2. Yes how is it possible ? from abap stack assigning users to java stack, please provide the answer?


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