
Wednesday 8 June 2011

How to change the number of workprocesses

This article answers the following queries:

  • What is a workprocess ?
  • What are the different types of workprocesses and their functionality ?
  • How to increase/decrease the number of workprocesses?


A work processes is used to execute a particular type of job in an sap system.

There are different types of workprocesses as mentioned below :

DIA   (Dialog workprocess) : Used for execution of dialog steps triggered by active users. For every dispatcher atleast 2 dialog workprocesses to be configured

UPD  (Update workprocess) : Used for execution of update tasks. Atleast one update workprocess to be configured per SAP system. Also, more than one UPD can be configured for a dispatcher

BTC  (Background workprocess): Used for executing background jobs. Atleast 2 background workprocesses to be configured for an SAP system

SPO   (Spool workprocess) : Used for passing sequential data to printers. Atleast one spool workprocess to be configured for an sap system.

UP2   (Update2 workprocess) : This is similar to UPD workprocess. There is small difference in functionality based on criticality of the update.

ENQ  (Enqueue workprocess) : This is required to administer locktable in the shared memory. Locktable contains database locks for ABAP stack of an sap system. Only one enqueue process to be configured for an SAP system.

To increase/decrease the number of workprocesses, value to be changed accordingly for the following parameters as per workprocess in RZ10 Transaction.

rdisp/wp_no_dia  (for dialog workprocess)
rdisp/wp_no_btc  ( for background workprocess)
rdisp/wp_no_spo  (for spool workprocess)
rdisp/wp_no_enq  (for enqueue workprocess)
rdisp/wp_no_vb    (for update workprocess)
rdisp/wp_no_vb2  (for update2 workprocess)

In RZ10 transaction, select the profile of the instance, for which workprocess number to be changed and edit the profile through extended maintenance and save the changes done and activate the profile.

Please note that as this parameter is not dynamic one, restart of the application server is required for the changes to become effective.


  1. How come Background Workprocess is BTC not BGD.... What is the difference between BTC & BGD??

    1. Because it is also called Batch WP

  2. It was posted in durgaprasad's forum

  3. Dear Durgaprasad,
    Why we need 2 dialog wp & 2 btc wp? and others are 1?
    For every dispatcher atleast 2 dialog workprocesses to be configured.
    Atleast 2 background workprocesses to be configured for an SAP system.

    Siva krishna.

    1. Because Dialog handles more requests from Front End. At a time One DIA can handle only one Request.

    2. 2 background process are required because to continously monitor two tables TRBAT & TRJOB.

  4. Can't we INCREASE the WORK PROCESS manually in the system? through Work directory

  5. UP2 (Update2 workprocess) : This is similar to UPD workprocess. There is small difference in functionality based on criticality of the update.

    What is the difference ?

  6. Hi,

    I have a basic and conceptual question. I am new to BASIS and so, I need to clear my doubts. Suppose there are 7 dialog wp in one server and that server contains 2 instances - BI and ECC (eg.)

    Now, in RZ10 3 and 4 dialog wp have been defined for BI and ECC instances each.

    My question is: Do these instances have their personal set of instances marked for them among these 7 wp or they can use any of them any time, depending on which is free?

    Moreover, suppose we add 1 more wp in RZ10 for Bi instance, then does that mean it can also 4 out of those 7 dialog wp like ECC or one more wp is added to the server making it a total of 8?

    I'm kind of confused. Just eager to know the concept behind this.

    Thanks, Aveek

  7. There is a slight error in the above question. I meant "Do these instances have their personal set of wp marked for them..."


  8. Hi Sir, Can i get the job in SAP basis by going through this blog, i have about 15 month of experience like transport movement, monitoring , OS level monitoring..Kindly suggest

    1. Hi how are you ? iam new to sap can u please share your contact number
      ? & share your mail id also my mail id is


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