
Thursday 30 June 2011

How to open the client in SAP system?

This article answers the following queries:

  •     How to open the client in  SAP system ?
  •     How to view when was the client settings last changed ?
  •     How to view who has last changed the client settings?
  •    What are the various client settings and their significance

Often in business scenarios, there will be requirements which cannot be transported and which have to be modified directly in respective tables and other repository objects. To perform these operations client to be opened.

Goto transaction SCC4. This lists clients’ overview as below:

From the above screen, we can make out what are the existing clients in the SAP system, their names and the date they are last modified.

Double click on the client to be opened. It displays similar screen as below  with the complete client details like last changed date, last changed by, client role and associated logical system of the client

In the above screen, we can see the highlighted option that no changes allowed and no changes to repository and cross-client customizing objects. These 2 settings means that client is NOT opened.

To open the client we should set the client settings as shown below for a client:

In addition to the above 2 settings, in SE06, System change option should be set to “modifiable” as shown below :

Goto transaction SE06 :

Click on System change option to goto below screen

In the above screen, set the Global setting as “modifiable” to make sure client is opened.

In case you would like to restrict changes to a client, please set this Global setting as non-modifiable so that no changes can be done.

Please note that the above setting of system change can be done through SE03 transaction as well.

What are the various client settings and their significance?

Changes and transports for Client specific objects :

i) Changes without automatic recording : Changes will be done without recording in a change  request

ii) Automatic recording of changes : Changes will be done and  request will get generated & changes will be captured in that

iii) No changes allowed : No changes will be allowed

iv) Changes w/o automatic recording no transports allowed : This flag means  customizing changes will be permitted but changes are not automatically recorded in the change request.

Cross –Client object changes :

i)        No changes to cross-client object changes
ii)       No changes to repository objects
iii)     No changes to cross-client and repository objects
iv)     Changes to cross-client and repository objects.

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  1. what does it mean by "CLIENT IS OPENED/NOT OPENED"...?

  2. If client is opened, changes can be done for the programs/tables, objects etc in that client. If client is closed, no changes can be done.

    1. changes are not allowed, how will the user work..?

  3. What if I do all settings in SCC4 for client open and I keep global setting unmodifiable in SE06 ? Does it allow to change programs/tables,objects
    or both scc4 and se06 changes are necessary to open and close client.

  4. Fuctional tables maintain in the production client ,while open the client i have setting the changes in the scc4 only ,no need to set the se06 is theire any problems for these . i got a confirmaation it's done the changes whom has maintain the table in production client

  5. i want to know if i use se03 for system modifiable, how wd i do that only certain period of time?

  6. i am not able to login 001 client as it is locked due to wrong password DDIC and SAP* both users are locked and no other user created in 001, how to delete/unlock DDIC and SAP*. Please guide me sir.

    1. The parameter login/no_automatic_user_sapstar value is set to be zero so that you can login in to the client..

  7. kindly please let me know why we use different clients in our sap systems instead of just using one production client ..(i.i 000, 066, etc)

  8. Hi,
    If the client is open anyone who has the access to the client can do the changes. Is there anyway to restrict this.. Means allow only for a certain group of people?

    1. You should be able to manage this by limiting the access of users on transactions that can do direct config or change in the client.

  9. What is the difference between these two client settings "Changes without automatic recording" and "Changes w/o automatic recording no transports allowed"?


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