
Thursday 9 June 2011

How to configure Early Watch Alert report

To configure Early watch alert some specific settings to be done at managing system (Solution manager system) and satellite system( or managed system – for which EWA report to be generated)
Following are the steps to configure EWA in a satellite system :

1) Check whether latest versions of ST-A, ST-PI, ST-A/PI packages are installed in the managed/satellite system
(This check can be done going to system->status -> Component information display in any sap screen)

2) If they are installed, run RTCCTOOL report from SE38 transaction code of satellite system.

Check the output of the report. If there are some errors or warnings in the output of the report, please take corrective actions and run the report again and ensure there are no errors

3) Setup RFC connection between your satellite system and the solution manager system
An RFC connection can be made between 2 systems using Transaction code SM59
4) Setup RFC connection between your solution manager and the SAP service market place

5) Assign the solution monitoring roles to the users

6) Setup your satellite system in a solution landscape of the solution manager(SMSY)

7) Make sure SLD is configured and working fine for satellite system (using Rz70 and SLDCHECK transactions)

8) Activation of SDCCN in satellite system (Goto SDCCN transaction. Then click on Utilities -> Activate)  then confirm for SDCC_OSS destination creation

9) In satellite system, goto SDCCN transaction and navigate to Goto -> Settings -> Task specific.
In the resulted screen, select RFC destination and provide the solution manager RFC from the satellite system and set solution manager RFC as the master system.

10) Addition of satellite system in solution manager system in SDCCN :

Goto SMSY transaction in solman system and then navigate to Environment -> Solution Manager Operations -> Adminstration SDCCN to add the new service data control centre to the solution manager.

Click on add system button to add the new SDCC to the solution manager. When prompted, please select the respective system and client from the resulting screen and confirm

11) Early watch service session activation for satellite system:

In the solution manager system, execute transaction code solution_manager  and navigate to operations -> Earlywatch Alert and press create button. This prompts you to confirm the date and time to run the report. Please provide the details and confirm to trigger the generation of the report

12) Login to satellite system, goto transaction code SDCCN and press create button which displays a screen to select a task to be executed. Select request session data task  and click continue. You will be prompted to enter the schedule time to run the report. Click now to execute it immediately. After that you can see an early watch session running in SDCCN.

13) After completion of this session run successfully, an Earlywatch Alert will be generated and this can be viewed in Solution_manager of Solution manager system.

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  1. Thanks budddy its very helpfull to configuring EWA on solution manager

  2. Dear DurgaPrasad,
    Thanx for very blog you have created.
    Do you have any information about ...
    Through STAD I can get one day's information with terminalname etc details.Through ST03n we have facility to get weekly/Monthly details like workload/tcode used etc.But I am not getting terminal name etc details in this. How Can I get such information? If you have any such details then kindly share the document at my email

    Thanx in Advance.

    Shirish Patkar

  3. what is the tcode for getting component information?

  4. Hi Mamatha....Component information can be obtained from any tcode.

    For example: Goto SM51 transaction and navigate to system menu -> Status -> Component. There one screen will appear. Click on component information icon to see the list.

    This information can be obtained from any SAP tcode from the system menu.

  5. good work..buddy...

  6. Thanks for this Document. I configured EWA in our landscape with the help of this doc.

  7. HI DURGA PRASAD SIR,,, how to configure& generate ewa report in 7.1 system.(since, we DO NOT have SMSY t-code in 7.1 plz tell me sir)

    1. Hi... Please go through below link

  8. best sap site ever...very informative......
    thanks a lot for help us:)

  9. Hello sir

    How to Delete EWA configuration..Can i have document

  10. Hi Sir,

    What are the names of RFC's created during the configuration of EWA between the managing system & the satellite system, could you name them.

  11. Hello,
    Any news for java stack please?

  12. Hello Durga Prasad,

    I want to configure EWA in solution Manager 7.1, can you pls post step, which can help us to configure EWA in solman 7.1.


    1. Hi Ashok,

      Please refer below link:

  13. Hi Durga
    it seems you the person who will be able to assist me
    i am running the RTCCTOOL and have some error for buisiness process mon setup
    the basis guy have implemented the notes but now i need to set the flag red flag manually to green , can you tell me how to do this please

    1. Hi Ravi, Please click on the green button so that flag will become green.

  14. Hi Durga sir, Please post database upgradation.

  15. Hi DurgaPrasad,

    The content seems very useful.. Good post!!
    Could you please post the process for configuring EWA for Java systems?


  16. Hi DurgaPrasad,

    May you post Screenshots for EWA configuration.
    I cannot perform 11,12 and 13 steps because "solution_manager" TCode is not running in my SAP Solution Manager 7.1 so may you post EWA configuratyion steps according to "SOLMAN_WORKCENTER" in SAP Solution Manager 7.1.

    1. Hi,

      Please follow below link:

  17. hi we did a BW upgrade last week and the EWA shows a previous year and not 2016 now for DB alerts.

  18. Hello Durga Sir,
    Your post are one of the beat posts i have ever seen. Could you please tell me the concept of Hostagent,DAA,SMSY, LMDB,SLD ,Solman,Satellite system... how data flows in all these and its need. Plzz i want clear picture in my mind.. Not able to link up. plz help


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