
Wednesday 15 June 2011

How to avoid TIME_OUT dumps in SAP system ?

This article answers the following queries :
  • How to avoid TIME_OUT dumps in SAP system ?
  • There are lot of TIME_OUT dumps in ST22 transaction. How to avoid these dumps ?
These TIME_OUT dumps usually occur if the program has exceeded the maximum permitted runtime without interruption. After this program will get terminated and in ST22 a dump will get generated.
Usually SAP system will terminate the program after permitted runtime to make the work area available to other users who may waiting and to prevent a work area being blocked unnecessarily long time like
Eg: Database accesses without a suitable index (Full table scan)
      Database access with a large result set
     Endless loops (DO, WHILE) etc

In SAP, there is a parameter rdisp/max_wprun_time which limits the maximum permitted runtime without interruption. By default this value is set to 600 seconds. However, if you are frequently encountering more dumps in SAP system due  to this, you can consider increasing this value to 3600 seconds to avoid this issue.


  1. Hi,

    i have set to 10000 secs., but our Z-Program breaks inspite of that ! I think, it' a world record !!

    Kumar from Germany.

  2. Hi Kumar...Please check whether there is any issue with your Z-program. If you find z-program is correct, you can even specify time out parameter in hours. It should be like 20H to specify timeout after 20 hours.

    Currently you have set to 10000secs it means 2.7 hours. Try to increase it further for eg: 10H or 20H and check.

  3. Thnak you i understood the problem thank you very much Durga

  4. is this dynamic or static

  5. can i know the maximum time parameter i can set....

  6. can i know the maximum time parameter i can set....

  7. increasing time out value in parameter is not a good choice. it results in degrading of system performance. Faulty Z program should be analyzed or let the user run report by entering limited date period or other values in selection screen to avoid heavy volume of data fetching. user may try to run report by splitting in multiple sessions.

  8. Hi Durga,
    Customer don't want to increase the parameter for TIME_OUT dump.
    Shall i go for this following procedure:-
    We did this rebuild first, furthermore we also compressed them using the BRTools.
    Some of them have been reduced 10 times and some jobs (those which were running several days) are now taking less than a cuple of hours.
    No Dev, no ABAP and no rdisp were modified!
    I encounter 3 difficulties:
    1. Find the related indexes (by the way if someone can give me advices or a fast method...)
    2. The PSAPTEMP was not large enough (if you don't check, you 'll be in trouble :-) : if you don't use the parallel function, then your PSAPTEMP must be at least 2 times bigger than your bigger index.
    3. Find a downtime.”

  9. CAll FM SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR at a regular interval in the loop (eg. after every 1000 records processed) to reset the runtime value, this way if you are processing say 20000 recrods, the FM will be called 20 times and will reset the timer, program will run with out any timeout dump, as system will never reach the maximum runtime limit.

    Bharat Bajaj


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