
Thursday 30 June 2011

How to run a report in SAP?

This article answers the following queries:
  • How to run a report or program in SAP?
  • What is the need of RSBTCDEL program?
  • How to delete old background or batch jobs in SAP?
  • How to run a report in background in SAP ?
In SAP environment, there will be frequent requirement by ABAPers /functional/technical team to run various reports. This can be done through SE38 transaction code.

Go to transaction SE38 as shown below and provide the program/report name which you would like to run.

In the below example, am running a report / program RSBTCDEL which is used to delete old background jobs

Click on execute button to run the report. Depending on the program/report, you will be prompted to enter the input parameters(variants) so that system can action the same.

In the below report, am selecting to delete all batch jobs that are with username BASIS , older than 30 days and which are finished or canceled.

Click on execute button, once you have provided the inputs. Then the program will run in dialog mode and the status similar to below screen will appear on the status bar.

How to run a report or program in background mode in SAP?

In case you would like to run the program in background, please follow these steps:
Navigate to Program -> Execute in Background as shown below

Once you execute as shown above, program will run in the background.

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How to view the contents of any table in SAP ?

This article answers the following queries :

  • How to view the contents of any table in SAP ?
  • What is the use of data browser in SAP ?
  • What is the transaction code for data browser in SAP ?
  • How to find out number of records in a table in SAP?

Data Browser  in SAP is used to
      • View the contents of a table
      • Find out number of records in a table
Data Browser can be accessed by transaction code SE16 in SAP.

Go to transaction SE16 as shown below :

Please provide the tablename of which you would like to view the details  and click the highlighted button in the above screen to view the following screen.

In the above example, we are viewing the contents of T000 table

Click on “Number of Entries” pushbutton to find out number of rows in the table.

Click on close to close the above window and click on execute button to view the contents of the table as below.

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What are the different transaction codes related to client operations in SAP ?

This article answers the following queries :

  • What are the different transaction codes(Tcodes) related to client operation ?
  • How to maintain new client entries in SCC4 ?

Following are the important Tcodes which are useful for various client operations in SAP.

 SCC4 : This transaction is used to list all the clients that are present in the SAP system. This also includes details like :

  • Last changed date of the client
  • Last changed by
  • Logical system name associated with the client
  • Client role

Using this transaction, a new client details can be maintained as below :

i)   Press change icon to be in change mode
ii)  Click on “new entries” push button to create new client details

All the client details that are available in SCC4 are present in the T000 table in the backend.

SCC5  :  This transaction is used to delete a client from an SAP system

SCCL  : This transaction is used to perform local client copy in  SAP system

SCC9  : This transaction is used to perform remote client copy in SAP system

SCC3  : This transaction is used to monitor client copy progress

SCC8   : This transaction is used for client export

SCC7   : This transaction is used to perform client import post processing  

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How to open the client in SAP system?

This article answers the following queries:

  •     How to open the client in  SAP system ?
  •     How to view when was the client settings last changed ?
  •     How to view who has last changed the client settings?
  •    What are the various client settings and their significance

Often in business scenarios, there will be requirements which cannot be transported and which have to be modified directly in respective tables and other repository objects. To perform these operations client to be opened.

Goto transaction SCC4. This lists clients’ overview as below:

From the above screen, we can make out what are the existing clients in the SAP system, their names and the date they are last modified.

Double click on the client to be opened. It displays similar screen as below  with the complete client details like last changed date, last changed by, client role and associated logical system of the client

In the above screen, we can see the highlighted option that no changes allowed and no changes to repository and cross-client customizing objects. These 2 settings means that client is NOT opened.

To open the client we should set the client settings as shown below for a client:

In addition to the above 2 settings, in SE06, System change option should be set to “modifiable” as shown below :

Goto transaction SE06 :

Click on System change option to goto below screen

In the above screen, set the Global setting as “modifiable” to make sure client is opened.

In case you would like to restrict changes to a client, please set this Global setting as non-modifiable so that no changes can be done.

Please note that the above setting of system change can be done through SE03 transaction as well.

What are the various client settings and their significance?

Changes and transports for Client specific objects :

i) Changes without automatic recording : Changes will be done without recording in a change  request

ii) Automatic recording of changes : Changes will be done and  request will get generated & changes will be captured in that

iii) No changes allowed : No changes will be allowed

iv) Changes w/o automatic recording no transports allowed : This flag means  customizing changes will be permitted but changes are not automatically recorded in the change request.

Cross –Client object changes :

i)        No changes to cross-client object changes
ii)       No changes to repository objects
iii)     No changes to cross-client and repository objects
iv)     Changes to cross-client and repository objects.

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Wednesday 29 June 2011

How to view all clients in SAP system?

This article answers the following queries:

  • How to view all clients in SAP system?
  • What are the default clients in SAP and what is their significance?
  • What is the table which holds client details in SAP?
  • How to view T000 table contents?

How to view all clients in SAP system

Goto transaction SCC4. This lists clients’ overview as below:

From the above screen, we can make out what are the existing clients in the SAP system, their names and the date they are last modified.

What are the default clients in SAP and what is their significance?

Clients 000, 001 and 066 are the clients created by default in any SAP system.

Client 000 is SAP reference client. After installing any SAP system other clients will be created based on Client 000.

Client 001 is customizing client which is similar to client 000.

Client 066 is also SAP reference client used by Early watch service.

What is the table which holds client details in SAP?

Table T000 will contain all the client details and their settings. Using SCC4 transaction, client settings can be modified which inturn changes the entries of T000 table.

How to view T000 table contents?

Goto Data browser(SE16) transaction and provide tablename as T000 and execute to view the client details (i.e. contents of T000 table)

Click on the highlighted icon in the above screen

Click on execute button (highlighted in above screen) to view the table contents (client details) as below :

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What is a Client in SAP?

This article answers the following queries:

  • What is a Client in SAP?
  • What is the difference between client specific and cross-client data?
  • What are the different client roles in SAP?

What is a client in SAP?

Client is self contained unit in commercial, organizational and technical terms.

It has its own user master data and set of table key ranges.

There are 2 types of data in SAP

  • Client specific data
  • Cross client data

What is the difference between client specific and cross-client data?

Client specific data means data such as user master and application data which belong to a specific client only.

Cross client data is not specific to any client. It is the data that belongs to all clients. It means data such as cross client customizing and all repository objects which affects the whole SAP system.

What are the different client roles?

Following are the different client roles :

C       Customizing

D       Demo

E        Education / Training

P        Production

S        SAP reference

T        Test

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How to delete operation modes in SAP ?

This article answers the following queries :

How to delete operation modes in SAP ?

When operation modes are no longer required, we can even delete them with RZ04 transaction.

Goto transaction RZ04 as shown below :

In the above screen, there are 2 operation modes (day, night) configured.

Select the operation mode to be deleted as shown in the screen and navigate to

Operation mode -> delete as shown below

System prompts to confirm the deletion as shown below :

Click on Yes to confirm deletion.

Operation mode will be deleted as shown below :

(Please note that operation mode day got deleted in the below screen)

Please follow the same process to delete the operation mode night

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How to setup operation modes in SAP ?

How to setup operation modes in SAP ?

This article answers the following queries :

What are operation modes and its advantages?

  • How to setup operation modes ?
  • How to configure operation modes to switch operation mode automatically ?
  • How to change workprocesses without restarting the SAP system ?

What are operation modes and its advantages

In SAP we have memory limitations. So, we cannot define very high number of dialog or background workprocesses. Usually in SAP system, dialog activity will be more during day time and batch activity will be more in the night time. Operation modes are a concept provided by SAP to take advantage of this fact. In SAP, we can define operation modes like day and night and configure more dialog workprocesses and less background workprocesses during day time and more background workprocesses and less dialog workprocesses during night time. We can define duration for day and night operation modes so that operation mode switch will happen at defined time and dialog workprocesses will be converted to background workprocesses in the night and vice versa and thus improves performance of the system.

Please note for this operation mode switch restart of the SAP system is not required and system automatically does this at the mentioned time.

How to setup operation modes ?

Goto RZ04 transaction code as shown in below screen.

Click on create button to create an operation mode. It prompts to enter the operation mode name and short description as shown below. Please provide the same

After providing the details and saving, you will get the below screen

Create one more operation mode for night. Please provide details same for day and click on save to confirm

It leads to the below screen. Here we can view 2 operation modes day and night which we have created

Now Click Instances/Operation Modes. Another screen will be displayed.

 Navigate to Settings ->Based on Current status -> New Instances -> Generate

as shown below and click generate.

After that profile will get generated as  shown below

Place the cursor on respective operation mode and double click to get the work process distribution screen. In the below screen, work process distribution of day operation mode is shown :

Similarly doubleclick night operation mode to view workprocess distribution of it.

In the above screen of night operation mode there are 10 dialog and 3 background workprocesses. Incase you would like to change keep the cursor in the respective box and click plus or minus button in the screen to change workprocesses accordingly.

In the below screen, background processes are increased to 6 by keeping cursor on the text box and pressing plus button thrice. So accordingly dialog workprocesses gets reduced from existing 10 to 7 to maintain total of 13 workprocesses overall.

Please find below workprocess distribution after the changes done

To maintain operation mode switch timings, goto transaction SM63 as shown below and select normal operation (24hr) mode

Click on change button in the above screen to goto  below screen.

In the below screen set the operation mode intervals for day and night.

First let us set for day operation mode by clicking on the start time of the day interval and then navigating to Operation mode -> Select interval. Then start interval is marked. After this place cursor at the end interval and again navigate to Operation mode -> Select interval and confirm to mark the entire interval of day operation mode

In the above screen, you can figure the interval marked is highlighted in different colour. Now assign operation mode as below for the highlighted area by clicking on assign button in the below screen

Then as shown below day operation mode is assigned to the selected area

Similarly repeat the same process for Night operation mode and select the interval, assign the operation mode and save as per below screenshots.

So, now day operation mode is set form 8am to 8pm and other interval is set for night operation mode as shown below

This completes the operation mode creation, workprocess allocation and configuring operation mode switch.

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