
Wednesday 18 September 2019

How to identify side effect notes for a specific ABAP Support package?

This article answers following queries:

  • How to retrieve list with Side Effects for ABAP support package?
  • How to identify side effect notes for a specific ABAP Support package?
  • How can we find delivered sap notes and side effects of a support package?
  • While planning to update or upgrade a support package, how to determine side effects?

Please logon to SAP launch pad.

On that screen:
  1. Please select “Downloads” from the dropdown
  2. Specify ABAP support package name for which you want to identify side effects
  3. Click on search (as shown in below snapshot)

It will result in below screen

Please make sure you are under “AVAILABLE TO DOWNLOAD” tab and click on “Content Info” icon under Related Info column as shown above.

This will result in below screen.

Under “SAP Notes” section, all the relevant notes for the specified support package will be listed.

Please navigate to “SOLUTIONS FOR SIDE EFFECTS” tab to have an overview of all side effects related to the specified support package (as shown below).

For example, if you want to upgrade from your current support pack level SAPKB74012 to SAPKB74016 and you wish to identify all the side effect details, please select source support package as shown in the below screen.

As of now, side effect reporting is available only for ABAP support packages. 

Side effect reporting is not yet available for Java support packages and patches. This is the only limitation.

Monday 16 September 2019

How to handle SAP note cannot be downloaded issue?

This article answers following queries:

  • Unable to download SAP note. How to resolve it?
  • Error while downloading SAP note. How to resolve it?
  • How to resolve SAP note download issue in SAP system?
  • How to handle SAP note cannot be downloaded issue?
  • What actions need to be performed to resolve SAP note download issue?
  • How to fix “Error while downloading SAP note in transaction SNOTE. Message No. SCWN107” issue?


Sometimes, while you are attempting to download an SAP note in SAP system through SNOTE transaction code, you might encounter issues and you many see messages as below:

Error occurred while downloading SAP note xxxyyy
Message No. SCWN107

The reason behind this issue is because of SE06 (System change Option) settings.To resolve the issue, we need to execute SE06 transaction code, which results in following screen.

Please click on “System change option” which results in following screen.

In the above screen, please make sure Global setting is set as “Modifiable” or “Restricted Modifiable”. If that setting is not maintained, you won’t be able to download SAP notes through SNOTE transaction code.

Also, please make sure all SAP related Software components and Namespace/Name Rage are set to “Modifiable” or “Restricted Modifiable”.

Usually, in Development systems,  Global settings are maintained as “Modifiable” which enables us to download SAP notes. In Production systems, mostly Global setting will be set as “Non modifiable”. 

In such cases there are 2 options as below:

First option is to download note in Development system and transport it to subsequent systems (or)

Second option is to download note by temporarily modifying Global settings in respective system and revert the original settings

Related links:

Friday 13 September 2019

SAP’s support backbone update

SAP’s support backbone update

SAP’s support backbone is the central infrastructure located at SAP to provide technical support to its customers. It consists of various systems to serve different purposes like SAP early watch alert report generations, maintenance planner etc.

On the customer side, SAP solution manager connects to the SAP support backbone to exchange data for various purposes like support incidents and other cases mentioned above.

This SAP support backbone infrastructure has been updated. The legacy infrastructure will remain in place to allow customers to safe transition to new infrastructure.

As a result of this change, From Jan 1st 2020, customers

  • Won’t be able to open incidents to SAP for any investigation
  • Can’t implement SAP notes
  • Wont’ have access to SAP services
  • Traditional SAPOSS and other RFC’s wont function (will be replaced by HTTP/HTTP(s) based RFCs 

Many solution manager functionalities like landscape management, license management, Test suite, IT service management, SAP Engagement and service delivery will get impacted due this change.  

So, SAP recommends all its customers to migrate to SAP’s new connectivity infrastructure to avoid above mentioned issues & to ensure continuous connectivity.

Based on SAP solution manager SP level, SAP has provided a checklist which needs to be followed so that customers can migrate to SAP’s new connectivity infrastructure.

Please refer below link for more details on this and follow the recommendations.

Please view below pdf file by SAP for detailed implementation steps for the same

SAP support backbone update

Friday 6 September 2019

How to troubleshoot “Transaction recorded” errors in SM58?

This article answers following queries:

  • How to process entries with “Transaction recorded” status in SM58 of SAP?
  • How to troubleshoot “Transaction recorded” errors in SM58?
  • How to resolve tRFC calls not getting processed issue in SAP?
  • How to register a destination in SMQS?
  • What transaction is used to register a destination in SAP system?
  • How to activate scheduler in SAP system?


Please login to SAP ABAP system. In SM58 transaction, sometimes, you may encounter few entries in “Transaction recorded” status as shown below.

To resolve this issue:

  • Please check if target system assigned for those entries is valid and functioning well. If it is not working, fix it
  • In SM58, Check if Target System assigned for those entries is registered or not on the outbound scheduler for tRFC processing. To check, please execute SMQS transaction code. It will display similar screen as below.

In the above screen, please verify if respective “Destination” is present and whether the “Type” is R.

If we click on “Type” column of respective destination, it should display similar to below screen. Through this we can determine if this destination is registered or not for qRFC and tRFC.

If “Type” column is set to R, it means this destination is already registered.
If that destination is either not present in SMQS listing or If “Type” column is not R for that destination, we need to register it.

To register a destination, in SMQS transaction, please click on “Registration” button as shown below and provide prompted details (Destination name, Max.conn, Max. Runtime etc) and click on tick icon to register that destination.

After registering destination, please process entries in SM58. If still you are facing issue, you can check if scheduler is active or not.

In SMQS transaction, if Scheduler status is “INACTIVE” as shown below, we have to activate it.


As shown in below screenshot, in SMQS transaction, navigate to Edit -> Activate Scheduler.

After this step, please make sure that Scheduler status is “Active”.

If above steps are performed, SM58 “Transaction Recorded” entries should get processed. Sometimes, if there are lot of entries and consuming lot of time to process entries, please perform below tasks:

As shown below, In SMQS transaction, navigate to Goto -> QRFC Resources

It will lead to below screen.

In the above screen, please make sure there are sufficient number of dialog WPs available to process tRFC/qRFC entries. In the above screenshot, 37 dialogs are assigned to each host to handle tRFC/qRFC entries.
Please make sure that the Resource Status is OK as highlighted in above screen. If resource status Is not OK, you may have to do necessary adjustments so that workprocess distribution for various tasks is optimal.

Also, In SMQS transaction, please check value maintained for “Max.Conn” of that particular destination for which you are facing issue. If it is set too low, you can increase it further.

To do this, select the destination in SMQS and click on “Registration” button. It will result in following screen.

In the above screen, value 2 is maintained for “Max.Conn” which means that 2 workprocesses will process the entries for this destination. So, to speed up the processing, please increase the “Max.Conn” value so that more dialogs will process SM58 entries in parallel.

If all above troubleshooting steps are followed, “Transaction recorded” entries in SM58 can be processed.